It't This That Brighten My Days

PEOPLE ERROR - the GazettE

30 hours femineSunday, August 23, 2009
wah, never ate for 30 hours is very tough, imagine those people they have to starve because they dont have enough food. Really must appreciate what we have. So just came back from the countdown at Bukit Jalil. A lot of artist performed at the event.

hao ren performing, sat too far and camera not good so have to suffer...

Malaysian idol 1st winner, Jaclyn Victor

Guang liang 光良

A Mei/ 张惠妹


finally finish liao, wooooooo
Getting Brighter Each Time
6:30 AM

go school see laWednesday, August 19, 2009
Today arh, feeling better so decided go to school (forced by my mother la, if got choice also dont go de). Then class only got 13 people but 2 went home early.

mathematics in apt room, so empty

then go library, again empty

check exam result, can see my name? hahaha

teacher dont mind, she also dont mind us eating in class

for Rick, this is Kah Ming

so empty
Getting Brighter Each Time
2:27 AM

h1n1Monday, August 17, 2009
i suffer from fever arh. Then i found out how h1n1 virus can spread until human.

yes, because of these type of people go kiss the pig, causing the virus to spread to human.
Getting Brighter Each Time
1:40 AM

Gi joeSunday, August 9, 2009
Last night you watch GI JOE arh. So geng chao arh. Fight here, fight there. Setting almost same as Transformers 2. See until the plane flew past the pyramids, reminded me Devastator climbing them. Good movie.
Getting Brighter Each Time
10:33 PM

wah so black arhThursday, August 6, 2009
Deng loh, today some people never took Chinese de, they happy cause they finished the bloody 5 days exam. For us arh, hardworking people, who took Chinese arh 加油 cause last day is tomorrow. Beginning of the end (that is PMR)...

Walao, about the title arh. Why i choose black. Because im also black hahaha. Ok enough. Today got 1 sohai, pour water. Got people kena, most of them is indian. Then they very aggressive, they call for backup. Few blink of the eye, the whole road full of indian people. All already prepare. Then in the middle of the chaos is my kawan, Jasper. They thought he poured the water. Just a misunderstading, so Dashner went to settle... He very good at settling things. Last time Daniel got in trouble also he go settle. Really geng arh him.
Getting Brighter Each Time
2:18 AM